A Blog For Everyone That Owns Or Manages Parking Lots

Show the Earth Some Love

Show The Earth Some Love

Happy Earth Day! What are you and your business doing to improve the planet? You probably went paperless awhile ago. Most companies and individuals opt for digital bills these days. Reusable straws are a more common sight. Maybe the restaurants on your properties have done away with straws altogether. These actions are a step in the right direction. Did you know that your parking lot can also be more Earth-friendly? This Earth Day, show the Earth some love: take steps toward an Earth-friendly parking lot.

Step Up

Littering is the most obvious bad habit when it comes to our planet’s health. Unfortunately, patrons are in a hurry as they leave your parking lot. They do not have time to take that piece of litter all the way back into the store. Parking lot trash cans are usually too few and far between. Often, trash cans are also overflowing by mid-day, leading to more litter on the ground. Step up stewardship of our Earth among your patrons by installing additional trash cans in your parking lot. A local parking lot expert can advise you on practical and convenient placement. More trash cans in your parking lot provides more opportunities for proper disposal. If you really want to step up your game, consider placing recycling receptacles as well!

Speak Up

We are all human and often forget to live up to our own standards and best potential. Your patrons may need reminders to take care of the planet. Speak up through your parking lot signage. Simple visual reminders to properly dispose of trash can affect change. Your regular parking lot maintenance company can install appropriate signage; they can also advise you regarding where pavement stenciling may be the more helpful tool. Either way, visual cues to avoid littering can be a great step toward a cleaner planet.

Sweep Up

Despite everyone’s best efforts, some amount of trash is bound to remain in your parking lot each night. That is where your local parking lot advisor comes in! They can help you assess the frequency of your parking lot sweeping needs. Ideally, parking lot sweeping provides you with a clean lot each morning. If traffic in your lot has increased recently, your parking lot sweeping schedule should too. Parking lot sweeping will remove debris, dirt, and particles that otherwise interfere with wildlife and waterways. Sweep up the mess you can see and the mess you can’t see with regular parking lot sweeping.

Charge Up

Electric vehicles are becoming more common. They are a help to the Earth, as they reduce emissions and diversify energy sources. Property managers can encourage the use of electric vehicles by installing public charging stations. You may not have considered this outside-the-box idea; however it is a fantastic means of improving our planet. Charge up the cars that enter your parking lot to encourage the use of energy efficient vehicles!

Our Earth needs us to be the best stewards we can be. Our parking lots provide us a great opportunity to show the earth some extra love. Talk to your local parking lot advisor today to make changes for a better future!

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