A Blog For Everyone That Owns Or Manages Parking Lots

Sink or Sealcoat

Depending on where you live, you may be starting to feel a cool breeze or two. That’s right – the end of Summer is only one month away! You made it through one of the hottest Summers in recent years in one piece. But did your parking lot? We have been guiding you all year […]

Summer in the City

Summer In the City

Summer officially begins this month, and you are ready! The vacation is planned, the swimsuits have been purchased, and you are tying up loose ends at work. Speaking of work, have you evaluated your municipality parking lots recently? As a city or municipality manager, you are spinning a lot of plates. If you have let […]

Show the Earth Some Love

Show The Earth Some Love

Happy Earth Day! What are you and your business doing to improve the planet? You probably went paperless awhile ago. Most companies and individuals opt for digital bills these days. Reusable straws are a more common sight. Maybe the restaurants on your properties have done away with straws altogether. These actions are a step in […]

Parking Lot Striping 101

We all take parking lot striping for granted… until it is left undone. Have you ever found yourself in a parking lot where you could barely see the stripes? Did you feel very secure leaving your car parked there as you accomplished what you came there to do? Our guess is probably not. An unstriped […]