A Blog For Everyone That Owns Or Manages Parking Lots

Sink or Sealcoat

Depending on where you live, you may be starting to feel a cool breeze or two. That’s right – the end of Summer is only one month away! You made it through one of the hottest Summers in recent years in one piece. But did your parking lot? We have been guiding you all year through timely preventative maintenance efforts. Yet, if you are like many people, you may have procrastinated on a thing or two. Consider this your last warning. Though some property maintenance occurs in cooler weather, sealcoating must be done in warm months. If your pavement is in need, now is the time to sink or sealcoat.

Don’t Procrastinate; Prevent

Preventative maintenance for your car keeps larger issues at bay — same idea with sealcoating! Sealing is best done right after major repairs or before major repairs are needed. Sealcoating helps to extend the life of your pavement in any weather. It literally seals your asphalt and keeps precipitation from damaging its integrity. Cold winter weather is harsh on your pavement. Add precipitation of any kind to that cold air, and you welcome cracks, potholes, and sinkholes. Do not procrastinate; prevent further damage this coming winter by sealing now. Your local pavement maintenance company can discuss scheduling possibilities according to your local climate.

Pavement Planning

As we enter the last quarter of the business year, many of us are planning our 2023 budgets. How does sealcoating affect budgeting? It actually may take up more of your yearly pavement maintenance budget than you imagine. Now is the time to ask your local parking lot advisor for a bid for 2023 sealcoating. Plan properly for sealcoating your pavement, and the cost won’t be an issue. Pavement planning also includes scheduling. When you are the first to ask for a bid for the new year, you often receive priority. Ask your parking lot advisor when they begin sealing in the Spring. The early bird gets the worm! You may even be able to secure tentative dates now.

Make the Most of Your Investment

Along with sealing, your pavement may need attention in other areas. Make sure the bids you receive include any asphalt repairs to be done prior to sealing. Mention signage, striping, and stenciling that you expect to be repaired or replaced. Sealing protects your asphalt investment; however it is an investment of its own! Make the most of your investment; tend to other needs at the same time for a pristine property.

If you do not already have a trusted parking lot advisor, be sure to get multiple bids. Ask each company for recent customer reviews. Drive by properties they have sealed recently to see their work up close and personal. You do not want to leave such a big investment to chance. The best price may or may not equate to the best work, so take care. Your due diligence on the bid may very well affect the longevity of your biggest property maintenance investment – pavement sealcoating.

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