A Blog For Everyone That Owns Or Manages Parking Lots

Parking Lot Striping 101

We all take parking lot striping for granted… until it is left undone. Have you ever found yourself in a parking lot where you could barely see the stripes? Did you feel very secure leaving your car parked there as you accomplished what you came there to do? Our guess is probably not. An unstriped lot is an unkempt lot. An unkempt parking lot leads to loss of business, loitering, and at times even vandalism. The public sees a lot that needs striping as a lot no one cares about, and therefore, they don’t care about it either. To properly care for your parking lot, there are some basic striping rules you need to follow. Let’s call them “Parking Lot Striping 101.”

Stripe and Stencil On Time

As a parking lot owner or manager, your first rule for parking lot marking is: stripe and stencil on time. Schedule full striping and stenciling immediately after laying or sealing asphalt before the lot is open to the public. Look to the experts in your area to help you with optimal layout, ADA compliance, and a regular striping maintenance schedule. Lines and markings in your lot will need to be re-striped and re-stenciled more often than you may guess!

Stripe and Stencil For Safety For All

The importance of striping and stenciling is not limited to aesthetic or public appeal. Properly marking a parking lot provides safety for all guests and equal access for wheelchair users and others with a disability. ADA regulations can be difficult to decipher and follow, so talk to a striping expert to be sure your striping plan will meet these standards.

You want to make optimal use of your space and fit as many vehicles in your parking lot as possible. However, it is also important to provide enough space between parking spaces and rows to reduce accidents and liabilities. Talk to a parking lot striping professional to accomplish both of these things! Your patrons will thank you!

Stripe and Stencil For Easy Access

Patrons to your establishment will frequent your location more often if your markings make it easy for them to do so. Compliance and safety are of first importance, but convenience is a close second. Your parking lot represents your thoughtfulness regarding your customer base. Customers do not want to walk a long distance to get into a place of business. Consider adding parking spaces for elderly persons or parents with small children. Parking lot striping experts can help you choose a layout that is best suited to your customers’ needs.

Stripe and Stencil Unique Lots

Your parking lot may be oddly shaped or have a small out parcel that requires unique, angled spaces. Perhaps you need stenciling to indicate a bus stop area, arrows to direct traffic through a roundabout, restricted parking during certain hours, or employee of the month parking. Safety features like speed bumps and pedestrian crossings require special markings on your pavement. Additionally, you will want to mark loading areas for your commercial businesses. The possibilities are endless regarding unique markings that add value to your establishment.

Parking Lot Striping 101 has come to an end; truly, however, we have only scratched the surface. A consultation with your local parking lot advisor can bring your vision for your parking lot to life!

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