A Blog For Everyone That Owns Or Manages Parking Lots

Seasonal Sweeping

With November on the horizon, Jack-O-Lanterns are on their way out. “The Holidays” (you know, those ones, the ones that bring all the shoppers) are here! Our lives are different this time of year. More parties, more goodies, more presents, more celebrating! So why treat your parking lot any different? It’s time to consider more […]

Falling for Leaves

Timely Sweeping of Wet Leaves is Important

As we welcome Fall and the cooler temperatures, some are sad to see Summer go; others are glad you have finally stopped pouring beads of sweat whenever you step outside! No matter your attitude toward Autumn, you likely have nostalgia associated with this season. Apple pie, carving pumpkins, bonfires, cider all litter our minds with […]

Back-to-School Sweeps

Back to School Sweeps

The summer is sizzling on, and the weeks are flying by. Store promotions soon will announce that, indeed, it’s time to go back to school. Whether you personally love the Fall routines or not, they bring changes to your parking lot. The ebb and flow of traffic, the changes in pedestrian movement, the sales and […]

Sweeper Summit 2022

Sweeper Summit Sweeper Summit is the only national sweeping industry specific hands on outdoor trade show and conference open to attend for all sweeping industry professionals. This unique conference and trade show draws a wide range of sweeping industry professionals, including professionals affiliated with the North American Power Sweeping Association. (NAPSA) The 2022 Sweeper Summit […]

Here’s to the Moms, Dads, and Grads!

Celebrate with pristine parking lots!

May is upon us, and with that comes celebrations of all types. Many stores promote sales and events in honor of graduates and parents. In addition to the regular uptick of traffic due to improved weather, these celebrations bring more patrons. Your parking lot will need additional attention to prepare and recover from the excessive […]

A Clean Appearance Attracts & Keeps Customers

clean appearance

Why A Clean Appearance? Why bother with parking lot cleaning and professional power sweeping? Parking lots that are regularly maintained and have a clean appearance are more likely to attract more customers. Messy parking lots not only have the potential to deter customers from enetering or returning, but they also have the potential to become liability issues. […]

Why You Should Never Defer Regular Maintenance

Procastination & Deferred Maintenance Power washing, concrete repair, pothole repair, line striping, crack repair, seal coating, and pavement sweeping. These things have a great deal in common. Every one of these maintenance tasks are absolutely necessary to avoid the physical breakdown of your facility infrastructure and prevent a negative perception of your property. These tasks […]

Maintenance Of Paved Surfaces In Winter

The Consequences of Wintertime Conditions Wintertime conditions are notorious for causing building materials to break down at faster rates than otherwise possible. For example, if a paved surface has even small chips and cracks, the melt-freeze cycle that can come into being because of fluctuating temperatures can cause serious damage to the asphalt within a […]

Clean Parking Lots Promote Professionalism

Parking lot maintenance creates a professional appearance. Finding the right property maintenance company will aid in keeping the parking lot free of debris. When pulling into a business, the first aspect anyone notices is the parking lot. When a parking lot is cleaned, clear of debris and well maintained, the first impression is professionalism. The […]

Parking Lot Maintenance: How It Can Make Or Break Your Business

People entering your building usually take a first glance at your parking lot. It’s a known fact that the first impression is the best impression. However, if your parking lot is untidy, it can also create the worst impression to break, instead of help you do business! Parking lot maintenance is thus important not only for […]