A Blog For Everyone That Owns Or Manages Parking Lots

Summer in the City

Summer In the City

Summer officially begins this month, and you are ready! The vacation is planned, the swimsuits have been purchased, and you are tying up loose ends at work. Speaking of work, have you evaluated your municipality parking lots recently? As a city or municipality manager, you are spinning a lot of plates. If you have let the parking lot plate fall, let us help you get it back on track. Summer is the perfect time to give some attention to your municipality’s parking lots. Summer in the city is fun-filled with festivals & celebrations: make sure your parking lots are repaired and ready for the fun!

Why Summer?

Why Summer, you ask? The heat of Summer can make many tasks difficult; however, it provides the perfect temperatures for quickly drying asphalt. Your parking lots will need to be closed for any needed repairs. In cooler temperatures, this will require longer periods of time. Cities don’t really sleep, so any parking lot closures will frustrate residents and visitors alike. Make sure to minimize their frustration (and yours!); schedule parking lot repairs for the Summer. As we are right on the cusp of Summer, you may need to get creative in your scheduling! And a great local parking lot advisor can help you with that! Team up with a highly recommended pro and get to work scheduling repairs.

What Repairs?

New to the parking lot management game? You many not have had much coaching, so we will give you a walk through. First thing you need to know is that a neglected parking lot becomes more expensive to repair over time. Those tiny cracks will cost less to repair if you catch them earlier. The small potholes will be cheaper to fill now than if they spend one more winter growing. That light gray parking lot isn’t just a color preference; it likely is overdue for seal coating. Worn off pavement markings reflect lack of care and mark inconvenience for patrons. Cracks, potholes, worn pavement and paint – oh my! If you feel overwhelmed, this is where your parking lot advisor comes in handy. They can give you a timeline for all repairs. You may be spending money on your pavement sooner than you expected; yet, with a good timeline for repairs, you will spend less money long-term. You will also enjoy beautiful, sturdy pavement for many more years.

What Order?

If you did not have these repairs on your mind already, you may be even more shocked to find there is a proper order for their completion. Typically, if you need a fresh seal coat, you want to address repairs in the following order:

Striping & Stenciling

If you do not need sealing, you may address each of these needs as they arise. This is why involving a local expert is important. Be sure to team up with someone you trust for the long-haul. Get recommendations from nearby municipalities or property managers. Your local parking lot advisor can become your greatest asset (other than your pavement, of course!)

Now, Relax!

You have properly planned and scheduled your Summer time parking lot repairs. So, relax! Enjoy the Summer in the city of your dreams. Or a getaway to the country, for that matter. Whatever your Summer plans or destination, we hope you find peace of mind knowing your municipality parking lots are maintained properly.

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