A Blog For Everyone That Owns Or Manages Parking Lots

4 Tips for the 4th and Beyond!

Happy Independence Day weekend! Summer is flying by, and it is time to celebrate our nation’s birthday! Many of you will experience an influx of visitors to your city as people arrive in search of festivities. If you do not live in a highly traveled area, don’t tune out! 4th of July celebrations affect your property as well! If you are a property owning or managing veteran, this is not news to you. You know that planned events take a toll on your property; you also know that unplanned “events” occur anywhere where there is an open speck of pavement. For you newbies, tune in extra close to our 4 tips for the 4th and beyond!

Control Traffic Safely

For large planned events on your property, a traffic control crew is ideal. Patrons will pour into your parking lots to enjoy food trucks, hear music, and enjoy fireworks. A skilled traffic control crew will manage the uptick in traffic with ease. Your local parking lot experts may provide this service or can recommend a trusted business. Patrons will enjoy the security of a staffed parking lot, knowing their vehicles will be safe while they celebrate.

Add Simple Signage

Through no fault of their own, people are commonly more casual on holidays. Relaxed and casual attitudes sometimes lead to less than ideal behavior. Posting simple, removable “no smoking” or “please do not litter” signs can save you an unexpected clean-up hassle. Temporary “parking” or “no parking” signs provide clarity. Event-specific signs do not need to be a major installation project. Keep them simple and temporary. They will do the job.

Prepare for Clean Up

Regardless of your preparation, celebrations big and small require clean up. Do doubt, you have thought of this and already hired your parking lot sweeping company. If not, stop reading and call them now. No really… call now.

Okay, now that you have scheduled a couple additional parking lot sweeps for the next week, think future. What other big holidays and events may require additional sweeps? Schedule those soon to avoid that awkward last-minute phone call you just made.

Take Your Time

Most of us who manage a property are ready for a return to business as usual on July 5th. But realistically, these things take time. Inevitably, travelers will stay in town for a few extra days. Those who worked retail on the 4th will need to shoot off fireworks on the 5th. And so on. Monitor your properties over the next couple of weeks; be ready to pick that phone back up and call your pavement experts to add a sweep. Annoying? Yes. But worth it for a pristine parking lot? Also yes. Take your time getting back to a normal parking lot routine.

Our Freedom is worth celebrating! And a parking lot free from debris is something worth celebrating as well! Call your local parking lot advisor to plan for the best care for your parking lot during the 4th and beyond!

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