Show the Earth Some Love
Happy Earth Day! What are you and your business doing to improve the planet? You probably went paperless awhile ago. Most companies and individuals opt for digital bills these days. Reusable straws are a more common sight. Maybe the restaurants on your properties have done away with straws altogether. These actions are a step in […]
Spring is Sealing Season
The days are longer. The trees are greener. And the pavement is freshly sealed. What’s that? The smell of asphalt sealer doesn’t signal spring to you? We get it; you don’t eat, sleep, and breathe parking lot maintenance. We do, however, and for us, spring is sealing season! If you have been noting marks of […]
Safety in Speed Bumps (and humps)!
You have a problem. Traffic is blazing through your parking lot. You have even noticed a decrease in customers due to the safety risk! What can you do? Or maybe you manage a neighborhood Home Owner’s Association with teenage drivers racing down your main roads. Dogs and people alike are dodging traffic on their daily […]
Pavement Madness!
Avoid pavement madness! Play a clean game with pavement sweeping. Repair potholes quickly to reduce risk. Employ a spring pavement strategy for best results this season!
Parking Lot Striping 101
We all take parking lot striping for granted… until it is left undone. Have you ever found yourself in a parking lot where you could barely see the stripes? Did you feel very secure leaving your car parked there as you accomplished what you came there to do? Our guess is probably not. An unstriped […]
Prevent Winter Pavement Damage
How Can Winter Damage Your Paved Surfaces? Winter means wintertime conditions, which can cause serious damage to paved surfaces within a short period of time without the proper precautions. For example, sprinkling salt makes snow melt, but colder temperatures can cause the snow-melt to freeze into ice. This is problematic because the snow-melt can seep into […]